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【学位评估标准】Degree Evaluation Criteria

比利时联合商学院的EMBA课程最终以是否成功完成全部课程学习;以及是否成功完成硕士论文与论文答辩为基础进行评估。 论文答辩现场将有一位相应论文论题领域的专家作为外来评估员进行考核。

UBI-EMBA program evaluation is assessed by successfully completing a full course of study, master dissertation and thesis oral defense.

Each evaluation contains an oral defense. There is where the student presents their topic to an expert evaluator for assessment and review.


【学制】Duration of Study


18 ~ 36 months. We always adhere to arrange a reasonable curriculum, in order to ensure teaching quality. Study includes one weekend(or 3 days) every month, which not only reduces time cost, but also it is a good choice for working managers to combine work with learning.


【选择的理由】Reason for choice


"UBI Executive Master of Business Administration (UBI-EMBA)" program have the same academic recognition as other doctoral programs. It is similar to the research-based academic qualifications. Therefore, students will have a challenging and demanding research experience under the guidance of an experienced supervisor, making this exciting academic-based research as the main form s of learning.

不同于以往的资格 Unlike Previous Qualification


Unlike the normal of Master of Management and other master courses of management, the UBI-EMBA course provides a teaching method which is more sophisticated, distinguishing it from others master courses, improving continuously the personal research abilities and professional standards of the student.

实战性的观点Actual Perspective


This method of learning is different from existing methods of independent research-based studies which normally focus on pure academic research The UBI-EMBA program is devoted to the needs of individuals and their professional working environment, especially in their role as managers. This EMBA program also develops various management outlooks because of its contribution from outstanding lecturers from different countries and business environments.

挑战传统的管理理念 Challenge the Traditional Management Concepts


The UBI-EMBA program encourages students to challenge the existing and accepted management knowledge. We support students to discover new and innovative ways of understanding and responses for their enterprise and their management role.

支持性的研究团体 Supporting the Research Community


UBI-EMBA program provides students with a supportive learning environment, and encourages communication and interaction between students, colleagues and lecturers.



为何你要参加UBI课程? Why you should attend UBI course?


1. UBI为全欧前十大知名商学院,学术地位崇高。

  UBI is one of the leading Top 10 European Business School with high academic standards.

  (www.best-education.org. 排名欧洲第九,Ranking No.9 in Europe .)


2. UBI为比利时国家最佳商学院,学术风气鼎盛。

  UBI is the finest business school in Belgium that offers good academic atmosphere and unique international perspective.


  (In Belgium, Brussels is the headquarters of European Union, the Centre point of political, economic and education in Europe.)


3. UBI为高度国际化之商学院,课程前瞻领先。

  UBI is highly and internationally renowned business school that offers advanced and innovative programs in business and management.


 (UBI is an international gateway for students coming from 72 countries and around the world providing them the best opportunities for academic pursuits and unique experience.)


4. UBI学生层面甚高且广,校友组织遍及全球,更加有利于建立高效国际人际资源,扩大商机与职业发展平台。

 The students of UBI come from a high level and wide range of places,there is a worldwide organization of alumni, is more advantageous to the establishment of highly effective interpersonal international resources,as well as the expanded opportunity and the career development platform.

  (Alumni Club校友会之遍及全球50余国,联系频繁)

  (Alumni Club is throughout the world of around 50 countries with many connections.)


5. UBI为专注于商学院商管课程之专业学院。

  UBI is a Professional Business school which concentrates on offering excellent academic programs in Business and Management.


  (UBI,is truly a unique professional business school that focuses on quality education and traning enhancement of professional in business and management.)


6. UBI教授群绝大多数来自产业精英,学养经验具丰。

  UBI’s professors are highly talented,dedicated and are experts in their respective fields with high academic achievements and rich experience. They come from the elites of the business field.


  (85% of the professors are experts in the field of business and provides many opportunities for case studies and prospects for internship.)


7. UBI设施完善、环境绝佳,生活质量高居全欧第一。

 UBI provides an excellent learning environment and a quality of magnificent living situated in the heart of Europe.

 (Qualify of Life 9 out of 10 ,全欧排名第一,Number one in Europe.)


8. UBI特重“跨国文化管理”及“外交游说”项目举世闻名。

  UBI specially highlights widely-known programs of Multinational and Cultural Management and Diplomacy persuasion.


  (The headquarters of European Union and the heart of the United Nations highly promote the management and programs that will help students to cope with cultural differences and diverse international situations.)


9. UBI毕业之就业率高,企业争相聘请。

 Graduates of UBI have a high employment rate and companies are eagerly waiting to employ them.


 (Over 120 out of 500 big companies in the world have been registered to employ the graduates.)



 UBI agrees to use a second language as the medium of teaching.


 (The Chinese curriculum is also allowed and is beneficial for further studies of entrepreneurs in China.)